Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

The development of Islam in Malaysia

After Islam accepted by the court, further development is run by the scholars of religion who opened a training center called the "cottage"as pesantren in Indonesia. Inside the small hut, the students stay and study there.

Apart from giving religious instruction in the cabin, the scholars will also interact directly with communities to carry out tasks in the fields, fields, gardens and other work. So the scholars is not just a religious teacher, but also as an advisor to the family and villagers.

They became community leaders who are respected in society. Thus, Islam is growing rapidly. In fact, after independence from Britain, Islam became the official state Malaysia is guaranteed by the constitution.

Evidence of the history of Islam in Malaysia

Evidence of the history of Islam in Malaysia is characterized by the discovery of a tombstone in Kedah which is written the name of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Shah a preacher Ibn Khusyen Persian descent century AD 9th century Other historical evidence is the discovery of inscribed stone which is better known as the Stone Memorial met in Kuala Beaver, Trengganu date hijriah/1302 702 M.

But the milestone establishment of Islam in Malaysia is the time of Sultan Muzaffar Shah I of Kedah in 1303, (12th century AD) embraced Islam and became the first Malay king who converted to Islam. Then followed by the Sultan Megat Iskandar Shah who formerly named Parameswara converted to Islam after marrying a princess of the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai, Aceh.
Permaisura, a king's last Hindu kingdom of Malacca was also able to pre-Islamic heritage by a scholar who came from Jeddah named Syed Abdul Aziz or Sidi Abdul Aziz in the 14th century AD King Permaisura later renamed Muhammad Shah since.

That was when the Malacca Islamic syiar feel more powerful. Especially after King Permaisura died and was succeeded by Sultan Iskandar Shah, then replaced again by Emperor Shah Mansour. The next Sultan of Sultan Shah Alaudin I. He moved the center of government from Kampar to Johor in Malay Peninsula.

Kingdom of Malacca grow forward and become a trading center of Southeast Asia at that time were visited by the foreign traders. Shah Sultan Alaudin I came to be known as the first Sultan of Johor.

But opinions on Islam which says a new entry into Malaysia in the century historian -14 M rebutted by others such as Wan Azmi Hussain. He said that Islam first arrived in Malaysia in the first century Hijra.

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